Patch 0.2.3

version 0.2.3


-- added profanity filter

-- new network changes. please report if there are any multiplayer softlocks in the new version. be sure to specify if you are using direct connect.


-- Dropkick

---- knockback increased dramatically (5 -> 12)

---- damage increased 80 -> 90

-- Punch

---- startup increased to 4f


-- fixed some prediction inconsistencies involving hover

-- fastfall turns off properly now

-- Tome Slap

---- hitbox size slightly increased


-- Lightning Slice

---- startup drastically reduced (17f -> 9f)

---- follow-up startup reduced (14f -> 7f)

---- follow-up damage reduced (65 -> 40)

-- Teleport

---- recovery reduced (-1f)

Files 20 MB
Nov 18, 2022

Get Your Only Move Is HUSTLE (Open Beta Version)


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nerf wiz plz

(3 edits)

As a wizard main, i can safely say that the wizard needs a nerf and the cowboy needs a buff. The cowboy simply needs access to another projectile, I would love to see a throwable dynamite with a controllable arc and/ or an adjustable timer as well as a big hitbox that hurts both players. More maneuverability on the lasso would be nice too,, if it had less damage but instead could be freely controlled, maybe if the stage could have floating platforms in it, it could be used as a grappling hook? The missile form ability on the wizard should knock themselves down when used directly in to the ground to prevent comboing off a safe 4f move (the rear missile blast). 

Anyway i love this game, can't wait for release, I've been playing nonstop last few days I'm addicted.

i feel like in place of a projectile a new movement option would be an equally important buff for cowboy, but i think wither could work

sickest game ever btw

pls nerf zephyr and/or whiff cancelling spamming :(

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hey man i wizh you added another character like.. "Brute"! what do you think?

I'd like to see that tbh, Like a short range and up close unit with some variety in grappling.


maybe in another verzion i hope he sees this

love the updates and love the game. I hate to criticize, but the wizard is deadly af and I would love to see a mana system or something to reduce the ranged move spamming. could lower the overall health, have certain moves harm the user, idk but keep it up man 👍

(1 edit)

hope you make this to steam bro cuz this game is heat

just need to say this game goes so hard

thank the lord, punch came out ridiculously quick. also nice that teleport has been made at least a little bit more viable. also, lightning slice needed a buff thats great. the games great man, you've done a good job


I love this game but finding lobbies is getting harder the more updates come out, is there any way you could separate multiplayer into versions so I dont keep trying to join people in different versions

my game is like very glitchy in the menu and everywhere its bugging all over the game help!

This game deserves more attention
