A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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DEEP is an endless-driller rogue-lite where the player is multi-tasked with plunging a byzantine drilling machine into the earth, plundering its resources and fending off hordes of horrible creatures. 

Made in just under two weeks, including all art, sounds, and music.

Apologies in advance: this game runs like crap. It also crashes for some people. I don't know why. I'M SORRY! Please force me to stop using Godot 4 until it is more stable, and to learn how to program.

PlatformsWindows, Linux
Rated 3.7 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
GenreAction, Survival
TagsDriving, Endless Runner, Roguelite


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deep.zip 52 MB


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sadly crashes very easily after going a bit DEEP

also, you can only go up and down the ladder if you start pressing up or down INSIDE the hitbox of it, it would be nice if it was buffered and you could start holding it down before getting inside the hitbox

other than that, love drillson, wish to play more of this


I understand this is part of a game jam, but is there any plans for updates in the future? I think it’s an awesome game, but performance issues prevent me from playing it without low framerates in the 20’s and frequent crashing (This is while playing on a Steam Deck, and decreasing the number of CPUs in use to 4 by disabling SMT helps the framerate by almost double but makes the game more prone to crashing). As it stands I think this game is super fun, and I genuinely hope you do some updates in the future and maybe even release it on steam. Best of luck :)

The game is very Laggy the moment the drill actually hits the ground, is there anything we can do about that as players or will that just be fixed in a later update?


This game definitely reminds me of old, drill type of flash games that I played when I was younger! Like... Motherload and possibly others that I cannot recall the names of!

To keep things short, this game is chaotic, hectic, and a blast to play! Given the randomized nature of enemies, environmental hazards, and where resources spawn. Every run will be different, although on the flipside... this means that sometimes you can get unlucky runs or get swarmed with a lot of enemies! Controls are simple but getting use to them is one thing, mastering them is another. It is enjoyable once you get the hang of controlling the drill and differentiates more from other games.

My only criticisms are the fact repairing your drill can be annoying when you are getting attack since the repair puzzle will get reset if a enemy attacks the drill. Plus, moving your guy around the drill can be disorienting considering how small he is!


this game rocks tho i wonder if we could have a collab with yomihustle tho




The one piece of feedback I'd give is that I'd like enemy spawn rate to ebb and flow a bit. As it stands, the spawn rate only goes up, which leaves me feeling like I basically have to be manning the guns at all times after a bit. If there was a sine-wave-ish ramping up and down--let's say, with about 30s between the trough and the peak--that gives me time to go buy upgrades and/or repair the drill in relative peace...but then, will I get caught off-guard? (I'd recommend having the actual time between peaks vary each time, so the player's always guessing how much longer they have.)

Also: Is there a depth at which you reach another dock and can go back to the surface? Knowing this would affect my strategy as well.

(1 edit) (+1)

good feedback thank you! to answer your question: there is no ability to return to the surface.

How can we upgrade if we can't go back...?

check out the upgrade station to the left of the steering wheel :)

oh! it would be so cool if the upgrades saved